Reimbursement scheme: define the best strategy

To determine the most appropriate reimbursement scheme, it is essential to have a clear idea of the opportunities and constraints associated with each pathway.

We will help you understand your obligations (continuity of treatment, data collection, filing, etc.) and help you prevent and limit your financial risk.

Reimbursement: maximize your chances

Thinking of challenging the HAS’s assessment on your product ? Wondering whether it would be appropriate to submit a new application ?

We will incorporate legal arguments into your observations and advise you on the overall strategy for the dossier (withdrawal of the application, new data, appeal against refusal of reimbursement or de-reimbursement, etc.).

Pricing: use legal arguments as negotiating leverage

Planning to optimize the pricing conditions negotiated with the CEPS ? Wondering about your options (and those of the CEPS) in the event of unsuccessful negotiations ?

We will provide legal support for your position (choice of comparator, costs to be taken into account when setting the price, clawbacks terms, etc.) and, if negotiations fail, advise you on how to manage the situation (signing the agreement, appealing against the price, etc.).

We have two objectives :
the speed of our strategic vision, and the operational quality of our results

Our expertise